In the 1950s, Canada ushered in a new period of economic prosperity. The US-Canada reciprocal agreement signed in 1854 opened another economic door for Canada. The construction of the railway began to develop rapidly in Canada, and the convenient transportation broke the isolation of each region and laid the foundation for unification. In the 1860s, with the end of the reciprocal agreement and the tension between the United States and Canada, Canada began to seek unity and unity. In 1864, a preliminary discussion was held on the proposal to establish the British Canadian Federation. On July 1, 1867, the British North American Act came into force. The four countries were jointly established New Brunswick.

In 1931, the Commonwealth was established, and Canada became one of them. Its free political status in parallel with the British mainland was confirmed. Like many countries in the world, Canada has also participated in two world wars. In the two world wars, Canada sent troops to the European battlefield and made tremendous contributions to the world peace and the anti-fascist war.

More than half a century ago, there was a tall angel in white from the other side of the ocean who saved his life and died in the war-torn land of China. He used his actions to convey the good friendship to the Chinese people. His name is also deeply imprinted on the hearts of Chinese people. He is the outstanding son of Canada and the great peace fighter, Bethune, who is suffering from the Chinese people. His story is widely spread in China, but few people know that tens of thousands of young Canadians are fighting bloody battles with German fascists in the European battlefield. Due to Canada’s special geographical location, political and economic status, she can not be involved in World War II. Canada sent a large number of troops to fight against the enemy forces in the European battlefield with local soldiers and civilians. At that time, Canada had a population of more than 11 million, and its army amounted to more than 1.1 million. As one of the main anti-fascist forces, the Canadian Army, Navy and Air Force played a vital role in Europe. After the Allied Normandy landed in 1944, the Canadian army arduously advanced to the Germans and invaded the rear of the Germans. At that time, the Netherlands was still in the hands of the Germans. The famine caused by the war and almost pushed the Dutch people to the brink of death. The Dutch people even hunger with tulip bulbs. The Canadian army defeated the stubborn Germans, saved the Dutch people, and returned to the division. To commemorate the relief of the Canadian army, the Queen of the Netherlands presented 100,000 tulip bulbs to Ottawa City during the celebration of the Liberation Day in the Netherlands, adding a symbol of peace and friendship to the Canadian capital. Ottawa, which originally had no tulips, is now filled with tulips of various colors, and the annual Tulip Festival has attracted countless tourists. For the same reason, the Italian people also have the same special feelings for Canada.

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