So what can everyone do in the face of climate change?

Drive as little as possible and take public transportation.

Driving to work every day, just commuting will exceed your carbon budget for the whole year. If you switch to public transportation or cycling, you can greatly reduce your carbon emissions.

Save energy.

When purchasing home appliances, try to choose energy-saving models. When the room has plenty of natural light, try not to turn on the lights. This will not only save energy and reduce emissions, but also reduce electricity bills. A standard compact fluorescent lamp can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 330kg.

Reduce food waste.

In landfills, the proportion of wasted food is quite high, and the methane produced by their decomposition is released into the atmosphere. Food waste also increases the amount of food that needs to be produced, resulting in a carbon burden. When purchasing food, you can plan your meal in advance, draw up a shopping list, and avoid impulse shopping.

Reduce unnecessary consumption and recycle.

Remanufacturing products requires a lot of energy, reduces unnecessary consumption, and recycles and reuses can reduce the energy of new products need. Donate the items that you don’t need to people who really need, reduce use disposable napkins, wooden chopsticks, paper cups, etc., especially plastic bags.

Maybe we will not see the end of humanity in our lifetime, but should we be generous to future generations? As the thinker Edmund Burke once proposed, there is a social contract between the deceased, the living and the coming. Have we fulfilled our responsibilities in this contract?

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